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The fundamentals of statistics

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You will need to examine one of eight sections of data from the provided Unit 1 data set (you are welcome to select a section of data that you are most interested in). Use thirty data points/scores is a good average to use when selecting your data. You will then need to list the data you are examining in a MS Word document or MS Excel spreadsheet (if a MS Excel spreadsheet is ever used, you are welcome to copy and paste your work into a MS Word document, which could make explanations of your steps easier to discuss).

After organizing your data, it will be necessary to write up a professional report. The report should discuss why the data was selected and what was eventually learned by examining this set of data. When examining your data, you will want to use basic statistical tools to summarize the data. You may have to provide the mean, median, mode, variance and standard deviations for the raw data you selected. If a measure is not applicable, then explain why. You will have to also provide 1 chart/graph. For example, you may want to graph gender information if you selected this as your section. Ensure that you label the chart/graph clearly.

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Solution includes the creation of a graph/chart for selected data points under the section Tenure.

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The data has been sorted in the order of tenure, i.e., all data points with tenure key 1 are placed in the top of the data ...

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