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Bay area community college (BACC) has collected data comparing the starting salaries of their graduating students with last names beginning with the letters A through M with those whose last names begin with N through Z. The first categorty provided 47 random responses with an average starting salary of $29,426.42 and a standard deviation of $4,521.94. The second category had 52 random responses with an average starting salary of $22,863.81 and a standard deviation for $2,378.66.

a) If you assume that last names should not have an impact on starting salary of graduates of BACC, then what is the appropriate null hypothesis?
b) State the research hypothesis in words and in notation.
c) Calculate the appropriate test statistic.
d) Calculate the appropriate p-value for the test statistic.
e) Is the statistic statistically significant?
f) What type of error if any has been committed?"

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This solution provides assistance with questions involving linear regressions, p-values and test statistics.

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