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Using a situation involving children who are diagnosed with ADHD who are treating with an experimental drug for ADHD, describe how this situation could be addressed using a one-way analysis of varianc

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Using a situation involving children who are diagnosed with ADHD who are treating with an experimental drug for ADHD, describe how this situation could be addressed using a one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). For this situation, clearly state the independent and dependent variables of the study (making sure to state the number of levels of the independent variable. Also generate the statistical null and alternative hypothesis, describe what information the effect size would tell one that the probability would not. Also explain what additional information confidence intervals around mean (or around means differences) would give the reader of this situation. Please also explain when would one need to report a post hoc test and why; and using real numbers for values of degrees of freedom, sample size, F-ratio, confidence interval (if appropriate) and post hoc results (if appropriate), report hypothetical results in a few sentences using correct APA format.

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The solution discusses children diagnosed with ADHD and generates a statistical null and alternative hypothesis.

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