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Process Improvement and Median Changes

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If you have a set of results and change or make improvements the process but the median remain the same, which is the possible cause of this phenomenon?

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This solution is a 550 word discussion regarding process improvements by adjusting the center of the process output or by reducing the variability of the process.

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If you have a set of results and change or improve the process but the median remains the same, which is the possible cause of this phenomenon?
Please provide an example. Proof if possible

It was a question in the interview from Honeywell Aerospace

In any process operating under a given set of conditions, the output of the process will have a central value (in this case you are using the median for the central value) and "scatter" or variability about that central value. When changes are made to a process, the process output can be improved in two ways.

1. The central value is moved closer to the target value of the process.
2. The variability about the process's central value decreases or is otherwise improved.

The scenario described by your interviewer tells you that the median (the central value of your process) did not change when you made improvements. This means ...

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