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Two way ANOVA with interaction in STATDISK

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I. Set up the following null and alternative hypotheses for both factors and their interaction. You should have three verbal statements, not symbolized statements. [Introductory paragraph, introduce the problem, the data and verbally describe the set-up and tests being conducted.]

II. Problem: The following data contains task completion times, in minutes, categorized according to the gender of the machine operator and the machine used.

Male Female
Machine 1 10, 17 16, 17
Machine 2 12, 13 15, 13
Machine 3 18, 18 17, 19

Set-up the problem symbolically and process the data by STATDISK or by Excel:
1.Is there an interaction between gender and machine? Fully explain your reasoning in a paragraph.
2.Is there a main effect of gender? Fully explain your reasoning in a paragraph.
3.Is there a main effect of machine? Fully explain your reasoning in a paragraph.
Also, in your concluding paragraph, please comment on [understanding concepts]:

How are the ANOVA results affected if the first sample value in the first cell is changed to 40 minutes?

?Four well-structured paragraphs (Intro, Interaction, Gender & Machine, Conclusion)
?Computer printouts / insert images or Excel into Word

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Solution Summary

The solution gives step by step procedure for the computation of Two way ANOVA with interaction in STATDISK / Excel.

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