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Analysis of Variance - ANOVA

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Based on the attached research on job satisfaction

Using the two pairs of hypotheses How do I test them using ANOVA?

Job Satisfaction Group Project - QMB350 - SMcGann.doc

(See attached file for full problem description)

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The solution is a detailed analysis of ANOVA. The solution contains a word document and an excel document for a detailed solution.

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GenderSatisfaction Overall Intrinsic Extrinsic Total
Male 505.2 616.2 518.5 1639.9
Female 71.9 886.66 832.9 1791.46
Total 577.1 1502.86 1351.4 3431.36

Setting up of null and alternate hypothesis:


Ho: There is no significant difference between 3 satisfactory levels (overall, intrinsic and extrinsic)

H1: There is significance difference and the 3 satisfactory levels.


Ho: There is no significant difference between the male and female employee's job satisfaction with the company.

H1: There is significant difference between the male and female employee's job satisfaction with the company.

Level of significance  = 5% level or 0.05 level

Test statistics: F - ratio Test


ANOVA: 2-way Classification ...

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