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Statistics - Perform a One-Way ANOVA

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A large percentage of people in the United States suffer from high levels of cholesterol. For the patient with high cholesterol levels, physicians prescribe drugs to reduce cholesterol levels. A pharmaceutical company has developed three such drugs. To find out if any statistical significant differences exit among three drugs, the researcher in the company conducted an experiment.

The researcher selected 60 men, each of whom had cholesterol levels over 285. She randomly assigned 20 men in each treatment group. The drugs were administered over a three-month period and the reduction in cholesterol was recorded for each person. The data are listed in Table 1. Do you conclude that there are significant differences in cholesterol reduction due to drug type?

Table 1

Drug1: Zocor Drug2: Newcor Drug3: Lipitor
13.6 3.7 12.7
4.5 3.4 13.4
5.4 7.5 14.0
8.5 17.2 16.6
7.4 9.3 14.6
14.5 6.4 19.4
17.9 16.4 20.4
12.4 18.1 22.9
17.9 8.7 17.7
15.8 17.1 23.4
19.6 10 22.5
22.2 25.3 25.1
11 10.3 23.3
18 20.2 25.9
22 19.7 26.1
28.2 19.9 23.4
27.8 8.9 28.4
29 24.8 30.5
32.5 9.8 26.2
12.9 27.7 27.5

Perform a One-Way ANOVA, Assumming an alpha of 0.05 and attach Excel outputs.

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A Complete, Neat and Step-by-step Solution is provided in the attached Excel file.

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