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Sociologist use of the Internet

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Â?¢ How do you think life in the United States will change in the next 10 years?
â?¢ How might the Internet be involved in the changes?
â?¢ How do you think sociologists might use the Internet to study life in the United States? Name 3 specific ways.

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Sociologist use of the Internet is hypothesized briefly.

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As you examine how do you think life in the United States will change in the next 10 years, I personally see America's reliance upon technological as an influence in terms of social behavior and interactions. I already see changes in my teenaged students in terms of how much they communicate via text and computers but how antisocial they are in face-to-face discourse settings. Does that make sense?

In other words, I think the Internet and other technological forms will continue to assume and take a stronger role in how society behaves, communicates, changes, etc. Do you agree?

Experts also demonstrate that "Sociology of the Internet in the last sense includes analysis of online communities (e.g. as found in newsgroups), virtual communities and virtual worlds organisational change ...

Solution provided by:
  • BS , Slippery Rock University
  • MA, Slippery Rock University
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