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Sociological Approaches to Gender and Media

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While the media may try to communicate a message of non-bias when it comes to gender in advertising, there is still a significant amount of information that communicates the exact opposite. Identify the different sociological approaches when it comes to gender and research, and then find these examples in advertising and the media. Why do you think this still occurs in the United States? Describe the different examples you found and how they apply to the sociological perspective.

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This solution will assist the student in discussing different approaches in how the media represents gender. It will provide some evidence of research and will provoke the student to think outside the norm with respect to how media has traditionally represented gender and how it affects society.

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Identify the different sociological approaches when it comes to gender and research:

The following article explains that qualitative approaches have typically been the research method used by female scholars more than male scholars. It appears to be more appropriate for the study of gender issues and for women's experiences. It was also an effective strategy for correcting androcentric biases in the construction of social theory.

The authors propose that papers focusing on gender and also using qualitative methods represented "double nonconformity."


1. Linda Grant, Kathryn B. Ward and Xue Lan Rong. Is There An Association Between Gender and Methods in Sociological Research? American Sociological Review, Vol. 52, No. 6 (Dec., 1987), pp. 856-862.

Sociologists, such as Mary Holmes, have explained that the social world we live in is arranged around gender distinctions. These gender distinctions include the differences between men and women with respect to their bodies, their capabilities, their needs, and their desires.

Many people assume that men and women are equal now (you will find surveys completed on the salaries of men and women with similar jobs and you will find evidence to the contrary). People also believe that the media is crucial in how we behave as ...

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