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O Define your underlying ethical system, its primary principles, the sources that helped shape your ethics such as people, institutions, events, and so forth, and the criteria and decision-making factors you used to revise them.

o Discuss the potential effect of your ethics on your performance or use of them in your workplace using a specific personal example.

o Explain why ethics are needed in an organization and how ethics are integrated into the organization to achieve its direction and goals. What effect does the application of these ethics have on individuals, organizations, and society?

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The solution provides insight and guidelines by example in putting together a paper on the topic of personal ethics, its effects and impact in the workplace and the need for organizational ethics. Ethics is also discussed in its impact to people, groups and society in general.

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I am presenting you with a paragraphical outline to work with on this assignment. You will be able to find your sources for citation on ethics from these paragraphs. The paper needs a conclusion and some information based on what ethics are and maybe the business laws of ethical behavior established by the federal government if you want to move the paper that direction.

My ethical system works as a series of checks and balances against the reality of a situation and the wrongs that can right and the rights that can be preserved. I have found that ethical behavior changes from one culture and situation to the next. I will always be on the side of legality, but often can work within some gray areas of ethics if another person gains something they may not have had before and should have. I will not step out too far from the strong ethical and moral behaviors considered acceptable, but there are times when ethical and moral judgments need to be challenged. I have learned this from my original family group and religious background. They were instrumental in teaching me right from wrong, and acceptance of others and others' values.

I also learned a great deal in my graduate classes. I had to ...

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