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Sociodramatic Play

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Describe an example of sociodramatic play between an adult and a three-year-old. Explain how this interaction can lead to changes in the naïve psychology of the three-year-old.
Take into account the following quotation from Vygotsky:
"Play creates a zone of proximal development of the child. In play a child always behaves beyond his average age, above his daily behavior; in play it is as though he were a head taller than himself"

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Solution Summary

The expert discusses socio-dramatic play, and how it can lead to changes for a three year old. Discusses the zone of proximal development. With References.

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An example of socio-dramatic play between an adult and a three year old would be setting the dining room chairs in two rows with an aisle between them, and pretending to be in an airplane flying to a foreign country such as China, Italy, or France. Using the imagination to "see" things that would be seen in these countries can help to build the child's imagination and creativity. For example, while flying in the plane you could look out the window and see ...

Solution provided by:
  • MS,
  • MA Education (Family and Community Services), Ashford University
  • B.A., Ashford University
  • A.S., Oklahoma State University
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