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Changes in Adolescence and the Affect on Future Development

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Explain changes that occur during middle childhood and adolescence concerning family and peer relationships, and how they might influence future development.

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Adolescents go through many changes. In this answer, I look at changes including brain development, peer relationships and the body and discuss how these changes might affect the child's future development.

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Children in middle childhood and adolescence are going through many physical and emotional changes that affect relationships. The brain, which has been growing since before birth, continues to develop during the middle childhood and teenage years. One study found that when reading facial expressions, the amygdala (a structure in the temporal lobe that is involved in discriminating fear and other emotions) was more active than the frontal lobe, which is responsible for rational thought. (Act for Youth) Older teenagers and adults use the frontal lobe when reading facial expressions. Because of their incomplete brain development, children in middle childhood or adolescence often misread the facial expressions of family members or friends, which can lead to conflict or hard feelings. ...

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