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Caregiving for the Dying

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(1) Identify how a caregiver takes into consideration his or her patients' age, culture, family structure, et cetera, in working with patients during their later years and through the death and dying process.

(2) Identify the challenges and rewards in working with individuals in this stage of the lifespan. Include in your discussion the need for and ways of assessing for elder abuse and neglect.

(3) Summarize additional insights the caregiver was able to share and provide during the interview.
Provide a write-up from the perspective of your area of specialization, if you were able to tailor your interview in that direction- Area of Specialization is mental health counseling

(4) Identify general themes that are present across many cultural approaches in dealing with long term care of the elderly, and also with death and dying, including grief and loss.

(5) Explain how this information will be useful to you in your work as a counselor- Area of specialization Mental health counseling

Please identify two peer-reviewed supporting articles.

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Short essay answer on geriatric care giving related issues and problems.

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(1) Identify how a caregiver takes into consideration his or her patients' age, culture, family structure, et cetera, in working with patients during their later years and through the death and dying process.

The care giver is a blood relative of the patient. Being closely attached and having lived with the patient for a greater part of the patient's life, care taker knows that taking care of the patient with terminal cancer is a difficult ordeal and can be emotionally very draining, not to mention financial strain.

End of life issues have to be made with the consent of a mentally capable patient her or himself. Otherwise, whatever is the best and the most painless method for keeping someone terminally ill alive (if the patient wants to be artificially kept alive), should be used.

Euthanasia is a highly sensitive issue as an option for end of life decisions. Such decisions are tough for loving family members, the medical doctor/s and the caregiving family member or hired staff when such a decision is to be made on behalf of the patient.

(2) Identify the challenges and rewards in working with individuals in this stage of the lifespan. Include in your discussion the need for and ways of assessing for elder abuse and neglect.

To assess elderly abuse, it must ensured that the care giving is done ...

Solution provided by:
  • BA, Rutgers, NJ
  • MA, NYU
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