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Late adulthood

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â?¢ Evaluate how individuals can promote health and wellness into late adulthood and mitigate the negative effects of aging.
â?¢ Analyze ageism and stereotypes associated with late adulthood.
â?¢ Explore different views of death and dying at different points in human development.
â?¢ Examine various culture attitudes towards death and dying.

two references and a few life examples

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This solution discusses the steps that the elderly can take to promote health and wellness at this stage of life. It also discusses ageism and various cultural views on death and dying.

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* In order to help promote health and wellness into late adulthood individuals need to establish good health habits beginning in their teens and twenties. This can be done by eating a sensible diet high in essential nutrients like proteins, vitamins, minerals, fiber and moderate amounts of fat. Fruits, vegetables and whole grains should be consumed more. Individuals should take three servings of fruit and three servings of vegetables with vitamin supplements and fiber to make sure that they eat healthy. Consumption of salt, MSG, oil, fat, sugar, carbonated and caffeinated drinks should be limited. Also consumption of processed, frozen and fast food should be reduced or avoided completely if possible. Regular exercise is also important for individuals to promote health and wellness into late adaulthood. Even activities such as brisk walking or jogging can be beneficial when done regularly. The more we exercise the more oxygen is sent to our brains. Our bodies would feel better and our immune system will strengthen and as a result protect us from disease
Smoking should be avoided. Those who currently smoke need to consider quitting as smoking can cause cancer, cardiovascular disease and depression. Excess alcohol consumption and drug abuse should . Excess alcohol consumption causes addiction. Drug abuse can damage bodily organs, cause mental and immune system disturbances. Individuals should also make it a habit to consume eight glasses of water per day to prevent dehydration and to cleanse our body of toxins. Water helps transport nutrients to all parts of the body. Getting enough sleep is important to promote health and wellness into late adulthood. While people have enough rest their body tissues are well repaired. Everyone feels relaxed and energetic after getting enough sleep. Doctors suggest that adults need about eight hours of sleep to ensure our minds and bodies are well prepared to face the following day. They also suggest that people try to lead a less stressful lifestyle to help promote longevity. Individuals should learn to manage their stress in sensible ways. Listening to music is good for calming the spirit and the mind. Meditation and exercise are two other ways to reduce stress. Also taking up a relaxing hobby and confiding in someone you trust are good ways to let out pent-up emotions. Regular medical check-ups to observe and monitor our medical condiiton are also important to promote health and wellness.
Individuals can mitigate the negative effects of aging by challenging their minds. Many studies have shown that older adults who keep their minds active have a lower risk of developing dementia. Reading , doing puzzles, learning languages and studying music are good ways to stimulate the brain. It is recommended that older adults accumulate between 30 -60 minutes of moderate intensity physical aqtivity daily and start a formal exercise program. Even in people age 80 and over endurance and strength training can improve balance, flexibility and physical fucntioning as well as reduce the potential for dangerous falls. It can also protect against diseases such as diabetes, heart ...

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