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Concept of learning instinct or experience

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Can individuals function successfully when they forget what they learn? Is so, how? If not, why not?

Is learning the result of instinct or experience? Provide two examples to support your viewpoint

Can learning be defined as survival of the fittest? Why or why not?

Provide specific examples in your response.

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The expert discusses the concepts of learning instinct or experience. Survival of the fittest is given. The solution is a 450 word essay with references.

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concept of learning
Can individuals function successfully when they forget what they learn? Is so, how? If not, why not?
There are two types of clinical forgetting; retrograde and anterograde amnesia. Both types deal with memory lost and have no effect on a person's functioning. Retrograde amnesia occurs when there is trauma to the head and memories prior are lost (Lungu, 2007); but there is ability to relearn those memories by repetition and exposure. Anterograde amnesia restricts the ability to learn new information, but old memories are still intact (Lungu, 2007). Even with either amnesia a person still possesses basic cognitive functions like walking, talking, eating and the ability to learn and relearn. Forgetting learning is more of memories and information and has little impact on a person's human functions.

Is learning the result of instinct or experience? Provide two examples to support your viewpoint ...

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