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The Labeling Theory and Juvenile Delenquency

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Assume that researchers have established that the ideas contained within the labeling theory identify one of the major causes of juvenile delinquency. In the light of the theory, prepare a report explaining the labeling theory. The report should include:

(1)Application of the labeling theory towards prevention and control of crime.
(2)Describe at least two programs, policies, or processes which are clearly based on making sure labeling does not occur.
(3)Provide an explanation as to how these programs, policies, or processes are related.
(4)Provide at least two recommendations on what should the criminal justice system, schools, other institutions, or society should do to make sure that the negative effects of labeling do not occur.

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Solution Summary

A discussion of the labeling theory and how it impacts juvenile delinquency is provided. Applications of labeling theory towards prevention and control of crimes are examined.

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1. The labeling theory can be applied towards the prevention and control of crime by compelling individuals and institutions to focus on reacting to the criminal in a positive manner. For example, when a youngster gets out of jail, the family should not be quick to judge him and label him in a manner that will make him feel discouraged about life and return to criminal activities.

2. Two programs, policies, or processes which are clearly based on making sure labeling does not occur are:

A. Prisoners being given the opportunity to take GED courses while in jail. This type of program fosters self esteem, ...

Solution provided by:
  • BA, Brooklyn College
  • MBA/HCM, Phoenix University
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