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Ethical issues, dependent, independent variables

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In schools and colleges across America, learning is often measured by testing students. Consider this hypothetical example: A teacher wants to determine whether a new teaching strategy would improve student performance more than the old teaching strategy. The teacher designed a simple study incorporating the old strategy with half the students in the class and the new strategy for the other half of the students. On the first day of class the students were randomly assigned to groups. There were no significant differences between groups prior to the study. After three months, students were tested and student performance was compared between the two groups.

1. Using this example, identify the independent variable(s) and the dependent variable(s).

2. Using the APA ethical guidelines as a resource, what are the ethical issues that need to be considered before conducting this study?

3. Based on your own research, what other methods could this teacher have used in order to research the effectiveness of the new teaching strategy?

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This tutorial is 330 words plus two references and explains the main principles in the APA ethical code of conduct that comes into play with this study and two potential improvements to the design.

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1. Using this example, identify the independent variable(s) and the dependent variable(s).

DV: teaching strategy (old vs. new)
IV: student performance

2. Using the APA ethical guidelines as a resource, what are the ethical issues that need to be considered before conducting this study?

Of course, all the ethical guidelines must be adhered to but of the five main general principles of the APA's ethical code of conduct, the principle B, fidelity and responsibility, is the largest aspect in this study. The reason is that students are a potential exploitative relationship (paragraph 3.08). The investigator/teacher has the ability to ask the students to do a range of tasks and the students must comply due to the ...

Solution provided by:
  • BSc, University of Virginia
  • MSc, University of Virginia
  • PhD, Georgia State University
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  • "hey just wanted to know if you used 0% for the risk free rate and if you didn't if you could adjust it please and thank you "
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  • "Awesome job! "
  • "ty"
  • "Great Analysis, thank you so much"
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