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Jackaw Company wants to implement drug free workplace

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The Jackdaw Company manufactures designer label clothing in several locations throughout New York and New Jersey. The company has grown. The CEO and HR department is considering instituting a drug-free workplace policy along with mandatory drug testing for new hires. They are not fully convinced that such a policy is necessary and are cautious of the costs associated with implementing a new program. Your team of consultants has been contacted to help write the company's new drug-free workplace policy. Your team will also provide training to employees if The Jackdaw Company decides to adopt your policy.

-Include the legal aspects of the Americans with Disabilities Act, and how REASONABLE accommodations can be handled for employees in recovery.

Please include references.

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Solution Summary

The Jackdaw Company manufactures designer label clothing in several locations throughout New York and New Jersey. The company has grown. The CEO and HR department is considering instituting a drug-free workplace policy along with mandatory drug testing for new hires. They are not fully convinced that such a policy is necessary and are cautious of the costs associated with implementing a new program. Your team of consultants has been contacted to help write the company's new drug-free workplace policy. Your team will also provide training to employees if The Jackdaw Company decides to adopt your policy.

-Include the legal aspects of the Americans with Disabilities Act, and how REASONABLE accommodations can be handled for employees in recovery.

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Here is the government site regarding your topic (you can cite from this website):http://www.drugfreeworkplace.gov/WPWorkit/legal.html

Look here for government regulations regarding ADA and drug free workplace (again, these sources can be cited):


All the material below is from these cites-- you will have to do a read through of the material to choose specific citations and make this "your " material . I am simply giving you a good starting point take primarily from the first website listed above. The second site is a search result specifically on ADA and a drug free workplace. That is the site you really need to read through. :o)

The Jackdaw Company is not compelled by federal law to be a drug free workplace, therefore they need to comply with the laws established that protect the civil rights of their employees as per the Civil Rights Act (CRA) of 1964 ...

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