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Topics in Political Science

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1.How did Thomas Hobbes in Leviathan describe man`s life in the state of nature, and what was man`s solution?

2. How and why did Edmund Burke differ in his attitude toward American and French Revolution?

3. Why is Jihad the most important Islamic concept for the rest of the world?

4. How does Muslim Shari`s law differ from Christian Doctrine in its attiturde toward state law?

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The solution provides answers to the 4 questions raised in the original posting (see problem above) on the ideas of Thomas Hobbes, Edmund Burke, the Islamic idea of Jihad and the difference between Sharia and Christian doctrines.

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1. How did Thomas Hobbes in Leviathan describe man`s life in the state of nature, and what was man`s solution?

There was no injustice since there was no law, every man for himself, getting what he could and protecting his life how he could was man in the state of nature. Nations acted as men did, without remorse for their gains and self protection. The solution of man to these dilemma's was to form governments.

2. How and why did Edmund Burke differ in his attitude ...

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