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Louisiana Power

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Please comment on the level of national political power that the Louisiana government holds.
Does the legislature or the governor have more power in Louisiana?

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This solution comments on the level of national political power that the Louisiana state government possesses and on whether the legislature or governor of Louisiana holds more power.

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I would partially disagree to a finding that states Louisiana has more power. Louisiana may seem more 'powerful' because, as of late, it has the backing of the federal government to push federal funds into programs to prepare for natural disasters such as hurricanes and flooding. As a result of the Katrina disaster in 2005, more federal money went to the construction of a new levee system that now expands to a total of 18 miles long. There are also emergency response teams present to assist when natural disasters occur in the state. This money has created residual job growth because all of these positions will be needed every year, and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) appropriates money to the state for emergency preparedness. The key to what makes this state in a much better position is primarily federal money and jobs. This is what makes a state economically ...

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