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Ideologies that view democracy as undesirable

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1.How did Winston Churchill describe Democracy, and which 3 ideologies find it undesirable?

2. Why did Plato and Aristotle find Democracy undesirable and dangerous?

3. In what sense was Christianity a natural ally of Democracy, and in what sense did the teachings of St. Paul work against the development of Democracy?

4. What did Machiavelli mean when he said "corruption" is the greatest enemy of free government?

5. Why was Alexis de Tocqueville fearful of what he called the "Tyranny of the Majority?

6. Distinguish between Liberal democracy, Social Democracy, and people's Democracy, and state where each can be found today?

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The solution provides answers to the 6 Political Science questions listed in the original problem (see above).

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Question #1:
As a notable political strategist, Winston Churchhill made a few strong remaks concerning democracy. His most famous quote is, "Many forms of goveernment have been tried. Democracy is the worst form of government except for all those others that have been tried. No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all wise." This quote was made after Churchill was voted out of his political position in England and he was disappointed in the public decision.

three ideologies which disagree with democracy are Marxism, Nazism, and Communism


Questions #2:
Plato felt that democracy was ineffective because the masses- those who are priviledged to control the ...

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