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2008 Grading the States Report

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In the "2008 Grading the States Report" how did Texas, Hawaii, and Alaska perform in terms of money, people, and infrastructure, and why was Texas ranked higher than the other 2 states?

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Comprehensive review of the comparison of Texas, Hawaii, and Alaska in terms of money, people, and infrastructure and why they deserve the rankings they each received.

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When one reviews the Grading the states report from 2008 collected by the Pew research group (www.pewstates.org), specifically the data dealing with Texas as compared to Alaska and Hawaii, it becomes clear that Texas has made some fundamental changes that are working in comparison to where Alaska and Hawaii are struggling. The research compares 4 categories with the goal being to "improve service to the public by strengthening government policy and performance" (www.pewstates.org). For the purpose of this research, only 3 categories are being evaluated in this review; money, people, and infrastructure, with the goal being to "improve service to the public by strengthening government policy and performance" (www.pewstates.org).
When researching why Texas was specifically graded higher (B+) than both Alaska (C) and Hawaii (C+), there are a few key metrics that show up in the data of all three states.
Texas has a history of effective performance based management. However, based on a new Governor coming on board in 2000 and some key losses in the House and Senate, those practices had some skepticism. However, according to the research by Pew, sound management practices won over and this has lead to the Texas State Government dedicating themselves to a more open format of budgeting across its ...

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