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Water Temperature Calculations

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Water at 50 degrees C can be obtained by mixing together which one or more of the following combinations? Which of the others would have final temperatures higher than 50 degrees C and which lower than 50 degrees C? What will be the final temperatures for these combinations?

a. 1 kilogram of ice at 0 degrees C and 1 kilogram of steam at 100
degrees C.
b. 1 kilogram of ice at 0 degrees C and 1 kilogram of water at 100
degrees C.
c. 1 kilogram of water at 0 degrees C and 1 kilogram of steam at 100
degrees C.
d. 1 kilogram of water at 0 degrees C and 1 kilogram of water at 100
degrees C.

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The expert examines the water temperature calculates.

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The latent heat of evaporation at 100C is 540 cal/g
The latent heat of melting at 0C is 80 cal/g

Every gram of ice will take (80 + 100) cal to melt and warm up to 100C.
It would take only (180/540) = (1/3) kg of the ...

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