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Historic Moon Landing Changes Scientific Understanding

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How is the historical moon landing changed our scientific understanding and how this event added to or changed our understanding of science.

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As all of the moon landings were historic, I'm going to assume that the landing you are speaking of is the first manned landing of 1969. However, as all of the landings and orbits have done for the United States, and the world, it showed mankind that no matter how impossible something seems, we can do it if we put our minds and resources to it.

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As all of the moon landings were historic, I'm going to assume that the landing you are speaking of is the first manned landing of 1969. However, as all of the landings and orbits have done for the United States, and the world, it showed mankind that no matter how impossible something seems, we can do it if we put our minds and resources to it.

As far as our scientific understanding of the moon ... the manned missions returned nearly half a ton of lunar rock to earth. These artifacts helped us shape the current belief of how the moon was formed, it's internal make-up, and what it's history is. What the prevailing formation belief is, is that the moon was formed by a collision event ...

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