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Planetary motions

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Please help with the following problem.

Every night, all stars and planets rise in the _______ and set in the ________. What direction do the planets normally move in across the sky with respect to the background stars (prograde motion)? What is retrograde motion, and why do we see it?

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Planetary motions are described in this solution. It discusses the direction the planets normally move in across the sky with respect to the background stars.

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Problem: Every night, all stars and planets rise in the _______ and set in the ________. What direction do the planets normally move in across the sky with respect to the background stars (prograde motion)? What is retrograde motion, and why do we see it?

Here are your answers ...
? No matter where you are on Earth, all stars/planets/sun/moon they all rise in the eastern sky and set in the westerns sky twelve or so hours later as Earth spins in space from west to east. So... east / west is your answer.
? The word "Planet" was given to a ...

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