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How to Create Survey Questions: Osteosarcoma

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Hi, I am trying to do a survey and I can't think of some questions to ask my nephews and niece. My brain is stomp right now. I need a start on what kind of questions to ask them. I can't even think of the first question. Their mother died from osteosarcoma. So please help me to figure it out. I would need 20 questions but if you can give me 10. That would be helpful.

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Solution Summary

Here is a sample survey that will measure the awareness of an illness (osteosarcoma). The survey includes both open ended and closed ended questions.

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1. Osteosarcoma is not a serious illness.

2. Osteosarcoma is a form of cancer.

3. Some of the causes of osteosarcoma are:
a. Genetics
b. Diet
c. Smoking
d. All of the above

4. Some of the risk factors of osteosarcoma are:
a. teenage growth spurts
b. being tall for a specific age
c. previous treatment with radiation for another cancer, especially at a young age or
with high doses of radiation
d. presence of a benign (non-cancerous) bone disease
e. presence of certain rare, inherited cancers
f. All of the above

5. The most common symptoms of osteosarcoma are: pain in the affected bone, swelling
around the affected site, increased pain with activity or lifting, limping, decreased
movement of the affected limb.
T ...

Solution provided by:
  • BA, Brooklyn College
  • MBA/HCM, Phoenix University
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