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Critical Thinking Question

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I don't expect an OTA to write the paper for me; but I need information and ideas to address the following question critically:

1. Consider the impact of science and technology in one of the following areas: religion, education, family structure.

2. Conduct independent research to be able to discuss the impact and your perspective on the effect(s). Format is APA word document with proper references.

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This solution assists with research considering the impact of science and technology in one of the following areas: religion, education, family structure. References are provided in APA format.

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Let's look at religion through an outline and information to consider for your final copy.


Consider the impact of science and technology in one of the following areas: religion, education, family structure.

Impact of Science and Technology on Religion

I. Introduction
II. Creation versus Scientific Theories
III. Technologies of Communication
IV. Conclusion

Now let's look at some information to consider for each section. However, it is important to write in your words to avoid plagiarism.

Religion is more than a shared set of intellectual beliefs and value, but also a way of life for its members. It is faith community with unique types of individual experience, communal ritual, and ethical concerns. Most importantly, religion is aimed at the transformation of personal life, being liberated from self-centeredness through commitment to devotion and to helping others (Barbour, n.d.). A structure of shared beliefs is the cornerstone of these patterns of life and practice. Although there may be some value, science and technology often challenge the credibility of central religious beliefs, which has major implications on all aspects of religion. Religion and science "generally put forth conflicting beliefs on the same topic" (Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance, 1999, 2003).

In fact, Science, Darwinism and the Big Bang theory challenged every aspect of religion, including the nature of human kind, creation and salvation tents important to religious life and faith. Historically in the West, for example, the Christian story of creation and salvation provided a cosmic setting, one where individual life gained significance. It is a setting that permitted people to come to terms with such things as guilt, forgivness, and death. It is a setting where people come to terms with faith, love, kindness, forgiveness and ...

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