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Is it true that racial and sexual discrimination continues?

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Is it true that racial and sexual discrimination continues in contemporary society? If so, in what forms does this discrimination exist and how significant an impact does it have on those who are discriminated against? For instance, How, if at all, does contemporary racism or sexism affect the ability of women and minorities to attain higher education?

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This post addresses the issue of racial and sexual discrimination in contemporary societies and the different subtle forms they take.

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Is it true that racial and sexual discrimination continues in contemporary society?

Yes, it is true. But they exist in very subtle ways. Because of that, many people think they don't exist.

If so, in what forms does this discrimination exist and how significant an impact does it have on those who are discriminated against?

Whenever we hear of human trafficking, for instance, it's mostly women and children who are involved. Women are trafficked and made sexual slaves and domestic slaves. Most domestic slaves are women. Also, when one hears of polygamy, it's always one man "married" to more than one woman. Again, people of colour are treated in very subtle ways as second or third class citizens. The fact that affirmative action exists is a proof that sexual and racial discrimination exists. In some countries, women are paid less for the same type of job as men. And there are jobs that are ...

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