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Finding Inverse of a Matrix Using Elementary Transformation

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Linear Algebra
Inverse of a matrix and Elementary Transformation of a matrix

Find the reciprocal (inverse) of the following matrix by using the Elementary Transformation of a matrix:

A = [0, 2 , 1; 1 , 3 , 2; 4 , 1 , -3]

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Solution Summary

An inverse of a matrix is found using the elementary transformation of a matrix. It mainly explains for finding the reciprocal (inverse) of the matrix
A = [0, 2 , 1; 1 , 3 , 2; 4 , 1 , -3] by using the Elementary Transformation of a matrix .
The solution is detailed and well presented.

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It is an explanation for finding the reciprocal (inverse) of the matrix

A = [0, 2 , 1; ...

Solution provided by:
  • BSc, Manipur University
  • MSc, Kanpur University
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  • "Thanks this really helped."
  • "Sorry for the delay, I was unable to be online during the holiday. The post is very helpful."
  • "Very nice thank you"
  • "Thank you a million!!! Would happen to understand any of the other tensor problems i have posted???"
  • "You are awesome. Thank you"
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