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Constraints for minimization

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The famous Y.S. Chang Restaurant is open 24 hours a day. Waiters and busboys report for duty at 3am, 7am, 11am, 3pm, 7pm or 11pm and each works an 8-hour shift. The following table shows the minimum number of workers needed during the six periods into which the day is divided. The scheduling problem is to determine how many waiters and busboys should report for work at the start of each time period to minimize the total staff required for one day's operation.

Period Time # of waiters/busboys required
1 3am-7am 3
2 7am-11am 12
3 11am-3pm 16
4 3pm-7pm 9
5 7pm-11pm 11
6 11pm-3am 4

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This shows how to schedule staff to minimize total number required.

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