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ANOVA and Time Series Regression

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These are my numbers:

First set of numbers: 26 19 21 15 23 22 18 24 16 19
Second set of numbers: 32 28 21 19 27

1. Divide your data in half, your first 8 observations and your last 7 observations. Then use ANOVA to test to see if there is a significant difference between the two halves of your data. This list of Webpages that Perform Statistical Calculations has several ANOVA calculators.

2. Take your data and arrange it in the order you collected it. Count the total number of observations you have, and label this number N. Then create another set of data starting from one and increasing by one until you reach N. For example, if you have 10 observations, then your new set of data would be (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10). This set of data is called a time series. Run a regression using your original set of data as your dependent variable, and your time series as an independent variable. Use the simple regression calculation page to calculate your regression. Write a paper reporting your results and any conclusions that can be reached with it.

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Here are my overall conclusions:

Question 1: If you divide the numbers like you have, you can conclude that the means of the two groups are ...

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