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Perimeter Algebra and Quadratic Equations

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1.) A gardener wants to create a triangular garden in the shape of a right triangle with shortest side length x - 2y ft. and the middle length side x + 4y ft. What is an algebraic expression for the area of the garden? Be sure to multiply this out and express in simplest correct mathematical form, including units.

2.) Find the following product (file is attached).

3.) A school designer wants to create a whiteboard with the optimal dimensions to enhance learning. It is determined that if one side of the whiteboard is x + 2y inches, the other side should be x^2+3xy-4y^2 inches. Write an algebraic expression for the area of such a whiteboard, simplify it, and include correct units with your solution.

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Solution Summary

Perimeter algebra and quadratic equations are examined. A product is found.

Solution Preview

1.) A gardener wants to create a triangular garden in the shape of a right triangle with shortest side length x - 2y ft. and the middle length side x + 4y ft. What is an algebraic expression for the area of the garden? Be sure to multiply this out and express in simplest correct mathematical form, including ...

Solution provided by:
  • BSc, Meerut University
  • MSc, Meerut University
  • MPhil, Institute of Advanced Studies
  • MSc, AIT
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