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Important information about Applications of Logarithmic Equations : Earthquakes and the Richter Scale

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The intensity level of an earthquake is based on the Richter scale. Using logarithms, the Richter scale measures an earthquake relative to (as a ratio of) the weakest possible tremor.

Using web resources, and other course materials, research how earthquakes are measured. Include the following items:

1. What is the formula for measuring earthquakes?

2. Why is a 7.0 earthquake ten times stronger than a 6.0 earthquake?

3. Pick an earthquake in your region of the world. Give the measurement of the earthquake. Explain what this measurement means.

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Earthquakes and the Richter Scale are investigated. Topics include the logarithms used to measure on the Richter scale and a real life example using the Indian Ocean earthquake of 2004. 260 words.

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1. What is the formula for measuring earthquakes?

Answer - The magnitude of the earthquake, M, is given by:
M = log_10A + 3log_10(8Δt − 2.92)

Here A is the amplitude, in millimeters, measured directly from the photographic paper record of the Wood-Anderson seismometer, a special type of instrument. After you measure the wave amplitude you have to take its logarithm, and scale it according to the distance of ...

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