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How do you know if a quadratic equation will have one, two, or no solutions?

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1. Read Ch. 11 (attached)of Introductory and Intermediate Algebra.
· Post a response to the following: How do you know if a quadratic equation will have one, two, or
no solutions? How do you find a quadratic equation if you are only given the solution? Is it
possible to have different quadratic equations with the same solution? Explain. Provide your
classmate's with one or two solutions with which they must create a quadratic equation.
· Consider responding to your classmates by creating an equation from their solutions. Show that
your equation should yield the appropriate number of solutions. If other equations exist with the
same solution, provide the alternate equation and provide an explanation. You may want to view
responses to the solutions you posted and guide your classmate's if necessary.

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Solution Summary

The number of solutions to quadratic equations is discussed. The solution is detailed and well presented. The response received a rating of "5/5" from the student who originally posted the question.

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