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Crime scene evidence and its uses

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What is real, or physical, evidence? Describe.
Provide 3 examples of a piece of real evidence.
What is the importance of physical or real evidence to the investigation? Explain.
What are two methods of demonstrative evidence used to clarify the issues surrounding actions or lack of actions at a crime scene for a judge or jury? Explain.
How would they help the triers of fact to better understand the evidence? Explain.
What is the difference between direct evidence and circumstantial evidence? Explain.
What is the concept of overwhelming circumstantial evidence? Explain.
Can it be enough for a conviction? Why or why not?

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Crime scene evidence and its uses

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What is real, or physical, evidence? Describe.

Real or physical evidence represents any tangible evidence consisting of physical objects as opposed to oral testimony or documentary evidence, which records information that is offered as evidence. Physical evidence can be held, viewed, and is capable of being tested.

Provide 3 examples of a piece of real evidence.

Physical evidence consists of tangible articles such as hairs, fibers, latent fingerprints and biological material.

Real evidence such as hairs, fibers, latent fingerprints and biological material (DNA) are vital for an investigation because they can directly link a suspect to the crime scene. Therefore, if a suspect's hair follicles are found at a crime scene where a rape occurred, the investigators have ...

Solution provided by:
  • Associates of Arts , Lone Star Community College
  • Bachelor of Science , Sam Houston State University
  • Masters of Science, Kaplan University
  • Masters of Science , Kaplan University
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