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Cross Agency Investigations

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You are advising a colleague on a case in which the employer noticed a number of irregularities in the accountant reports while he was on vacation. Your colleagues calls you and tells you that she learned that the local police will be meeting with federal agents to determine whether the accountant will be charged with embezzlement by either federal agents or state law enforcement officers.

Write a letter to your colleague explaining the differences between federal and state criminal courts and how each of them might deal with this case.

What are some examples of other cases where the federal government would have jurisdiction along with the state?

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Cross agency investigations are discussed. The expert writes a letter to your colleague explaining the differences between federal and state criminal courts and how each of them deal with the case.

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Write a letter to your colleague explaining the differences between federal and state criminal courts and how each of them might deal with this case.

State courts have concurrent jurisdiction in most cases, and this is important to note because the majority of cases that involve any type of criminality will be able to be held in state courts while federal courts only possess exclusive jurisdiction in a limited number of cases. Criminal cases such as federal antitrust, bankruptcy, patent, Copyright, and some admiralty cases, and specific lawsuits brought ...

Solution provided by:
  • Associates of Arts , Lone Star Community College
  • Bachelor of Science , Sam Houston State University
  • Masters of Science, Kaplan University
  • Masters of Science , Kaplan University
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