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Building Community Relationships: The Process

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You built a tremendous relationship with the mostly ethnic and racial community, and they have asked that you be appointed to this position. Ways to effectively establish, maintain, and improve the relationship with the community.

Justify the issues of the community and the department you have pinpointed. Keep in mind that several of the department's police deputies have had major clashes with the community leaders on policing strategies that would involve joint efforts of the community and police, and may look to derail your ideas.

The history and philosophy of community policing?
The problems faced by the ethnic and racial community?
Overt steps that can be taken by the department to reach out to the community?
How to build realistic and functional partnerships with the community?
Efforts that have been instituted to install sensitivity training for all police officers?
Methods to directly bring the public and the police together before there are crime concerns?
A clear and direct line of communication for citizens to communicate with senior staff in the department?
Crime prevention strategies to be implemented?

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Solution Summary

The expert builds community relationships for the process. The history and philosophy of community policing is determined.

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The history and philosophy of community policing?

The philosophy of community oriented policing and its history begins in the early beginnings of policing under Robert Peeles first police force in London, which was predicated upon the premise that reducing citizens' fear of crime while forming a partnership between the police and the community is a worthwhile goal of police organizations.

America begin implementing the current concept of community policing by enacting the following legislative acts and measure:

-The Violent Crime Control & Law Enforcement Act passes both the House and the Senate, authorizing an $8.8 billion expenditure over six years. The Office of Community Oriented Policing Services is created to distribute and monitor these funds.
-COPS launches three new programs: Accelerated Hiring, Education, And Deployment (AHEAD), Funding Accelerated for Smaller Towns (FAST), and Making Officer Redeployment Effective (MORE).
-COPS awards $200 million to 392 agencies for 2,700 additional community policing professionals.

The problems faced by the ethnic and racial community?.

Minorities face serious issues regarding the police and their communities beginning with racial profiling amidst others. The fact that stereotypes are commonly used to view minorities is commonplace in many police departments, which leads to entire communities viewed as criminal by police. Therefore, these communities rightfully feel under attack from police and refuse to work in collusion with "outside" police officers who only "invade" their community to arrest, detain, or harass the members of ethnically diverse communities. This is the main problem faced by these communities and the police must recruit officers from these communities to interact with these communities and refrain from engaging in the racist policies of racial profiling.

Overt steps that can be taken by the department to reach out to the community?.

Overt steps that can be taken to reach out to a community is to recruit officers from these communities to ensure that officers with a vested interest in citizens from these communities are interacting with these communities. Officers born and raised in these communities are less likely to engage in racial profiling, ...

Solution provided by:
  • Associates of Arts , Lone Star Community College
  • Bachelor of Science , Sam Houston State University
  • Masters of Science, Kaplan University
  • Masters of Science , Kaplan University
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