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Roosevelt and World War II

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Discuss the various challenges faced by Franklin D. Roosevelt leading up to World War II. Though many efforts were made to keep us out of the war, many more led to intervention.

How did Roosevelt attempt to balance American isolationism with the increasingly ominous international scene of the late 1930s?

What domestic and international factors finally led the United States to declare war on Germany and Japan and to become fully engaged in World War II?

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How Roosevelt attempted to balance American isolationism with the increasingly ominous international scene of the late 1930s is determined. The domestic and international factors which finally led the United States to declare war on Germany and Japan and to become fully engaged in World War II is determined.

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Though the United States lost fewer men in combat than any of the other nations in World War I the carnage of the final year of the was remained fresh in the minds of Americans. Isolationist sentiment dominated the average citizen's view of the ...

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