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The Cold War and Consumer Culture: 1945-1961

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The Cold War and Consumer Culture from 1945-1961 are discussed in this solution.

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The Cold War and the Consumer Culture:

The policy of containment is a policy that was developed during the cold war towards the Soviet Union. Its main objective was to prevent the Soviet Union to expand through utilizing two approaches i.e. the economic approach and the military approach. The policy of containment led to the United States being at the centre of the international conflicts through causing a number of countries to fight against America and against each other (Containment and, 2011).

Through the containment policy a union between the Germans and the West was formed. This union caused the Soviet Union to inflict barriers to fight against them. They caused these hindrances by cutting off the highways and the water traffic between the West German and the West Berlin. The formulation of the (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) NATO, led to the formulation of a military alliance called Warsaw. This military alliance between the Soviet Union and member of the Eastern was formed to fight against the military approach of the policy containment. The policy of containment also led to formulation of dangerous weapons like the atomic bombs. This had a negative impact to the people where a lot of lives were lost and the fight getting worse as the militants sought to revenge (The Containment Policy, 2011).

The policy of containment instead of containing the Soviet Union and preventing them to expand led to the fight becoming viler this led to the loss of crops and lives in the Europe. Similarly, the infrastructure in the European countries was destroyed and this left the country in ...

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