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1. Identify and discuss health care reform initiatives that have been implemented in the past 2-5 years.

2. Identify and discuss health care reform initiatives that have are currently being considered.

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In reference to the health care delivery in the state of California, this solution identifies and discusses health care reform initiatives that have been implemented in the past 2-5 years. It also identifies and discusses health care reform initiatives that have are currently being considered.

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1. Identify and discuss health care reform initiatives that have been implemented in the past 2-5 years.

A. The major proposals for 2007 (see URL: http://calhealthreform.org/for more detail on each) include:

* ABX1 1 (Núñez/Perata): Creates an individual mandate with some exceptions, requires employers to "pay or play" on a sliding scale, expands eligibility for public programs, and subsidizes coverage for low-income Californians. (Introduced in the special session; rejected in the Senate Health Committee on January 28.)

* ABX1 2 (Governor Schwarzenegger's Plan): Creates an individual mandate, requires employers to "pay or play," expands eligibility for public programs, and subsidizes coverage for low-income Californians. (Written into legislative language in the special session; has not been introduced as a bill.) (see summary below)

* AB 8 (Núñez): Employers must "pay or play," and workers whose firms pay a fee instead of covering health expenses must enroll in a new purchasing program. Expands eligibility for public programs and reforms the private insurance market. (Vetoed on October 12; consideration of Governor's veto pending.)

* ABX1 8 (Villines): Makes regulatory changes to expand coverage options and consumer choice, offers tax incentives to support purchase of coverage. (Introduced as a bill in the special session; failed in committee).

* CalCare Plus: Encourages expanded use of clinics, gives tax incentives for Health Savings Accounts, and makes regulatory changes. (Became a legislative package in the special session; ABX1 23, one part of the package, passed in the Senate Health Committee on January 16.)

* SB 840 (Kuehl): Creates a single-payer system to cover all Californians, replaces private insurers with a state-administered system, and requires all Californians and employers to pay into the system. (Did not pass during the 2007 legislative session; not under consideration in the special session.)

SUMMARY OF 2007: Health Reforms Initiatives ...

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