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Applying Binomial Distributions: EAT Forensic Evaluation

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Applying Binomial Distributions

From the South University Online Library, read the following article:
Hall, H., & Thompson, J. S. (2007). Explicit alternative testing: Application
of the binomial probability distribution to clinical-forensic evaluations.
Forensic Examiner, 16(1), 38-43. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com.southuniversity.libproxy.edmc.edu/docview/207641966
Also available as a PDF.

The authors of the article identify several examples of how the binomial distribution can be used in the criminal justice system. Select one of the four examples and describe how the binomial probability distribution was used in this real-world situation.

What evidence do the authors provide that suspect MT was actually innocent? How did the binomial distribution predict his eventual release?

The authors created a series of "yes/no" or "true/false" questionnaires to deliver to potential suspects. How could you apply this technique to your proposed research study? Would a binomial distribution be appropriate to your topic and your approach?
Use references and cite sources.

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Solution Summary

The solution examines the authors evidence provided that the suspect MT was actually innocent. Binomial distribution predict his eventual release. Yes or No and True and False questionnaires are provide for the jurors.

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Introductory Notes:

As described in the article,
"EAT procedure involves the presentation of sensory stimuli which the testee denies or affirms he/she can perceive or remember. Studies are designed so that nobody can miss the presented objects unless an actual impairment exists, in which case ones performance should approximate chance responding (usually half of the items in a binary format). Otherwise the person is faking." (Hall & Thompson, 2007)

EAT, the form of forensic evaluation within this article, has a binary format with range (0,1)

Two-choice questions are examples of this type of format and will have P=0.5, the long-run proability of answering an item correctly by chance


1) The authors of the article identify several examples of how the binomial distribution can be used in the criminal justice system. Select one of the four examples and describe how the binomial probability distribution was used in this real-world situation.

I have chosen Method 3 as an example.

Method 3 involves using a Binomial Probability Calculator on the Internet. It lists an example of one found at http://faculty.vassar.edu/lowry/binomialX/html

The values that need to be input into this ...

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