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"Young Goodman Brown" and "Good Country People"

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Pick one of the Hawthorne stories we covered and one of the O'Connor stories and compare/contrast them
Hawthorne's stories are:
Young Goodman Brown, The Ministers Black Veil, and The Birthmark.
O'Connor's stories are:
A Good Man is Hard to Find, Good Country People, and Revelation

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This gives a starting point for a compare/contrast essay on "Young Goodman Brown" and "Good Country People"

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In order to understand the stories of O'Connor and Hawthorne, you have to understand their backgrounds. Hawthorne's great-great grandfather was a judge at the Salem witch trials. This is something that caused Hawthorne much shame; thus, the theme of many of his works is the hypocrisy of religious zealots. O'Connor, on the other hand, was a devout Catholic who wrote many book reviews for Catholic papers.

If I were to compare/contrast any two stories, it would be "Young Goodman Brown" and "Good Country People." Both stories deal with hypocrisy. Young Goodman Brown is so blind in his religious devotion that he fails to acknowledge the evil in those around him. Whether or not his journey with the devil is a dream, the situation causes bitterness in his life as he is unable to forgive the imperfections of others.

In "Good Country People," Hulga is the opposite of a devout Christian. Due to ...

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