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Character Foils in Hansberry's Play, A Raisin in the Sun

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This posting uses the reductionist method to overview major elements of the plays structure. It also examines character types within the play.

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This posting examines the play's (A Raisin in the Sun) climax. It also targets rising action and character types within the play.

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First, as you examine climax, please note that it involves the turning point where the conflict begins to resolve itself or also the final and most exciting event in the plots series. Thus, many teachers and scholars argue that the climax happens when Bobo informs Walter that Willy has taken the investment money. This plot event marks a turning point because it shatters Walter's hope of opening his own business.

On the other hand, you might also want to list how climax also seems to occur when Walter informs Mr. Lindner during Lindner's second visit that the family plans will move into their new house as planned. Some teachers also pinpoint a climatic point with Beneatha when she learns from Asagai that Benny is not as free and feminist as she portrays herself to be.

If you need to focus on other plot elements, please note that rising action occurs when Ruth learns that she is pregnant or when Mama makes a down payment on the new house. Rising action also occurs when Walter invests the money in the liquor store scheme.

Next, as you explore how Bobo serves as a foil to Walter Lee, please recall how a foil is a ...

Solution provided by:
  • BS , Slippery Rock University
  • MA, Slippery Rock University
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