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Goodman Brown's journey

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Please help with the following problem. Provide at least 200 words in the solution.

At the end of his journey, Goodman Brown is left a bitter, depressed man. He continues through his life in this dark demeanor, never allowing himself any joy or love again.

Why is this so? What was the significance of Goodman's journey through the forest? Were the events real or imagined? Do you feel his reaction is justified or does he over-react to his experience?

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The following posting helps with a problem about language. Goodman Brown's journey is briefly explicated in this solution. The explanation is given in 233 words.

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Questions: Why is this so? What was the significance of Goodman's journey through the forest? Were the events real or imagined? Do you feel his reaction is justified or does he over-react to his experience?

Solution: As you react to his character and personality transformation, I believe that the significance of Goodman's journey through the forest is to expose the puritanical hypocrisy which permeated ...

Solution provided by:
  • BS , Slippery Rock University
  • MA, Slippery Rock University
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