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Does differentiation make the difference between a good teacher and a great teacher? Why or why not?
Describe a time when you were working on something or learning about something and it felt like time flew by. How will you create that same experience for students?

How will you identify potential high-interest areas in your subject?
How will you build interest-based options in your curriculum?

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Differentiation is briefly discussed from a personal teacher's viewpoint.

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Yes, differentiation makes a major difference between a good teacher and a great teacher. Good teachers impart content for the whole group and hope that they master it. Great teachers take each learner's specific learning styles, preferences, abilities, weaknesses, skill sets, and strengths into account and tailor content to ensure that kids are getting it, not just hoping that some will, as in the first ...

Solution provided by:
  • BS , Slippery Rock University
  • MA, Slippery Rock University
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