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Pirated Software

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1. Describe some examples where your clients may have hit barriers in the system and how you have helped your client(s) navigate through those barriers. If you do not have human services examples, then use times at other jobs, or while you were volunteering, in school, etc. Please cite at least two times where you have intervened, and explain your thought process in how you helped to navigate that change.

2. Have you known people that have used pirated software? What is the justification for doing so? What are the ethical implications of using pirated software?

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898 words; 2 references; pirated software is discussed and its ethical implications, example of how one helped a client navigate through system barriers in a company/organization/school

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1. Describe some examples where your clients may have hit barriers in the system and how you have helped your client(s) navigate through those barriers. If you do not have human services examples, then use times at other jobs, or while you were volunteering, in school, etc. Please cite at least two times where you have intervened, and explain your thought process in how you helped to navigate that change.
a) I was the Secretary to the Faculty Development Program and one of the functions that I did was to make sure that the participants have a set schedule and have clear instructions on what they are supposed to do especially during workshops. There were situations that sudden changes are made to the original schedule and they would always ask me because they are confused or sometimes they have suggestions as to how things like those should have been done. What I did was explain to the best of my ability the reasons why they happen. Sometimes I have to protect the administrators and their limitations which are sometimes the cause of the participants' confusions. I told them that I understand they were confused but sudden changes needed to be done and sometimes we also have to be flexible if needed. I explain the process and I ...

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