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Lorraine Hansberry: Les Blancs and To Be Young, Black and Gifted

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Compare and contrast (and offer constructive criticism) on Lorraine Hansberry's play titled "LES BLANCS" and "TO BE YOUNG, BLACK AND GIFTED." References needed to support any findings, quotes, etc.

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The solution compares and contrasts (and offers constructive criticism) on Lorraine Hansberry's play titled "LES BLANCS" and "TO BE YOUNG, BLACK AND GIFTED.

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Lorraine Hansberry By: Short, Hugh, Lederer, Katherine, Critical Survey of Drama, Second Revised Edition.


Comparing and contrasting Lorraine Hansberry's two most impactful works requires the knowledge that she was a woman staunchly committed to the equality of her people. Therefore, the reader must analyze the works 'Les Blancs' and 'To be young, black and gifted' under this microscope. I will begin with 'Les Blancs', which is a play focusing on the spirit of liberty and freedom, that is the essence of humanity, and ...

Solution provided by:
  • Associates of Arts , Lone Star Community College
  • Bachelor of Science , Sam Houston State University
  • Masters of Science, Kaplan University
  • Masters of Science , Kaplan University
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