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ELL diversity

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How does linguistic diversity influence classroom performance?

Why is it important for teachers to reflect on cultural and linguistic diversity?

Explain the difference between BICS and CALP. Why is it necessary for teachers to understand the distinction between these two types of language proficiency?

Say you were to write notes home to a student that is having issues on tardiness and the ability to keep up in class. However, the family never replies to your notes and you have no ideal why. Why might this be proved problematic? What other options might you recommend for communicating with these parents?

Mr. Stone, a teacher from a rural community where all the students share similar cultural backgrounds, relocates to a large city where the students come from a wide variety of cultural groups. He notices that many of his students are not performing well in class. Upon self-reflection, he realizes that because of cultural differences these students may not relate to his style of teaching or to the stories and examples he uses in class. What can Mr. Stone do to become more culturally responsive and meet the diverse needs of these students?

Describe in detail three instructional strategies that can be used to support the ELL student that is tardy and is having problems in the classroom. Be specific and be sure to include three strategies and your rationale for identifying these specific strategies

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Solution Summary

Explain the difference between BICS and CALP. Why is it necessary for teachers to understand the distinction between these two types of language proficiency?

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1 Linguistic diversity influences classroom performance largely as a result of cultural diversity. In some cultures high academic performance is an expectation and children from those cultures are thus, more likely to excel even when their proficiency in English is low. In other cultures the grading systems, etc. that might be meaningful in some respective cultures are meaningless when compared to the US system and because they aren't understood there is not a push to excel according to our standards.Finally if the ELL is in an integrated content area with native English speakers, the lack of linguistic proficiency or accuracy may cause the teacher to perceive the ELL's performance as substandard. Here's a potentially useful link:


BICS is the acronym for Basic interpersonal communications skills. They refer to the effectiveness of communicating in the context of social interactions such as interactions on the playground or in the cafeteria.Meaningful interaction can occur irrespective of linguistic accuracy . ...

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