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Safety & Security, Vulnerability Assessment

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1. How does an organization prepare for a vulnerability survey/assessment? To reduce the risk that a negative event will occur within a system or an organization is to quantitatively reduce the chance by assessing for any or all that could go wrong.

2. What is a risk, and what is vulnerability?

Risk and vulnerability assessment helps to identify people, property, and resources that are at risk of injury, damage, or loss from a number of negative occurences; such as hazards, incidents, sabotage, natural disasters, human error, equipment error, etc. To reduce the risk that a negative event will occur within a system or an organization is to quantitatively reduce the chance by assessing for any or all that could go wrong. This information is important to help determine and prioritize the precautionary measures that can make any system or organization more disaster-resistant. Risk is the chance that it will happen, and vulnerability is the weakness that might cause it to occur. Therefore, you assess to determine the vulnerability and reduce the risk, which makes your organization stronger and more disaster-resistant.

Norman, T. L. (2010). Risk analysis and Security Countermeasure Selection. Boca Raton, FL

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Solution Summary

Risk and vulnerability assessment helps to identify people, property, and resources that are at risk of injury, damage, or loss from a number of negative occurences; such as hazards, incidents, sabotage, natural disasters, human error, equipment error, etc. To reduce the risk that a negative event will occur within a system or an organization is to quantitatively reduce the chance by assessing for any or all that could go wrong. This information is important to help determine and prioritize the precautionary measures that can make any system or organization more disaster-resistant. Risk is the chance that it will happen, and vulnerability is the weakness that might cause it to occur. Therefore, you assess to determine the vulnerability and reduce the risk, which makes your organization stronger and more disaster-resistant.

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The way you organize this document will help you to best answer the question using the article as a resource.

Risk and vulnerability assessment helps to identify people, property, and resources that are at risk of injury, damage, or loss from a number of negative occurences; such as hazards, incidents, sabotage, natural disasters, human error, equipment error, etc. To reduce the risk that a negative event will occur within a system or an organization is to quantitatively reduce the chance by assessing for any or all that could go wrong. This information is important to help determine and prioritize the precautionary measures that can make any system or organization more disaster-resistant. Risk is the chance that it will happen, and vulnerability is the weakness that might cause it to occur. Therefore, you assess to determine the vulnerability and reduce the risk, which makes your organization stronger and more disaster-resistant.

Starting with explaining the main ideas first, begin by addressing #2 first.
On a separate sheet of paper write in your own words what you discover in the article about what risk is with regard to Risk Analysis and Security Measures in an organization. You can add information you have gained from a text book or from class. Then, repeat the same method to describe vulnerability. When you have a paragraph of ideas that are in your own words, you can go back and support each idea with the exact information you gained from the article or from an additional sources, for example, a textbook. Now, you have a solid introductory part of your answer.

Organization - Part One
Introductory Sentence (Ex. It is important to understand what risk and vulnerability are within an organization. Then, tell why it is important.)
What is risk - your own description in your words - documentation from text
What is vulnerability - your own description in your words - documentation from text
Conclusion Sentence - Sum everything up in different words or with a creative approach.
Now, you will address # 1
In the article, determine all of the author's information about preparation for a vulnerability survey or assessment, and highlight each example and/or write it on a separate sheet of paper. Take all of these ideas and put them into your own words in the order that you found them, if order is important. After you get your entire answer written, insert the proof from the article after each section of your answer in your own words pertaining to that portion.

Organization - Part Two
Introductory Sentence - (Ex. There are many ways that an organization prepares for a vulnerability survey or assessment.)
First Preparation Method - describe in your own words - then document with a quote from the article that backs your answer.
Second Preparation Method - describe in your own words - then document with a quote from the article that backs your answer.
Third Preparation Method - describe in your own words - then document with a quote from the article that backs your answer.
Name as many as you need to, and organize by type or kind into more than one paragraph if necessary.
When you have covered all, then go to conclusion.

You could do a conclusion paragraph to wrap-up all of your ideas. Just review all that you have covered in a summary format and state what you have learned.

Keep in mind why?, what?, how?, when?, and where? Have you addressed all of these? This may help you to check what you have written when you are done to see if there are any unanswered questions.
This organization should help you to answer ...

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