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Traffic word document and assignment

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Turlock is striving to become a place where people of all ages and abilities are comfortable walking and bicycling to school, work, shopping, and for recreation. We seek to develop a seamless walking and bicycling network as part of an integrated, sustainable transportation system that supports a high quality of life and a vibrant community. Under the Council-Manager form of government the City Council appoints the City Manager to serve as chief administrative officer providing direction for all departments in accordance with the policies established by the City Council. The City Manager is committed to providing supportive leadership that creates an environment in which the community, City Council and all employees work together using their abilities to the fullest to enhance the overall quality of life in Turlock.
I believe we were successful in this grant effort due to the collaboration of our Citizens Advisory Committee, other community stakeholders as well as our consultants who all worked together to create and prioritize these important projects.
Health Services
The HSA holds strongly to its vision of "Healthy People in a Healthy Stanislaus!" by developing its services with the community, in ways that support community need.
•Promote wellness and healthy lifestyles
•Prevent illness and injury
•Provide quality care and treatment
•Preserve access to healthcare for the under-served
Health risks
According to the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) 2009-2010, almost 70 percent of Americans are overweight or obese. The survey also shows differences in overweight and obesity among racial/ethnic groups. In women, overweight and obesity are highest among non-Hispanic Black women (about 82 percent), compared with about 76 percent for Hispanic women and 64 percent for non-Hispanic White women. In men, overweight and obesity are highest among Hispanic men (about 82 percent), compared with about 74 percent for non-Hispanic White men and about 70 percent for non-Hispanic Black men.
Health risk examine current statistics
Population health, public health agencies have played and will continue to play important
roles in increasing use of recommended clinical preventive services (17-22). Two long- standing roles for public health are developing policies and plans to improve individual and community health and ensuring provision of health care when it is not otherwise available (17-19)
This Agreement supersedes all previous Agreements and constitutes the entire understanding of the parties hereto. CONSULTANT shall be entitled to no other benefits than those specified herein. No changes, amendments or alterations shall be effective unless in writing and signed by both parties. CONSULTANT specifically acknowledges that in entering into and executing this Agreement, CONSULTANT relies solely upon the provisions contained in this Agreement and no others.

A large majority of the City's residents have traditionally used personal vehicles as their primary form of transportation and the existing City infrastructure reflects improvements that primarily benefit that mode of travel. However, in recent years there has been a growing interest from various stakeholders in alternative forms of transportation. The City has undertaken significant capital improvement projects with dedicated pedestrian and bicycle facilities. In addition, the City's located in a non-attainment area and the poor air quality is made worse through increased vehicle emissions, which results in negative environmental and health consequences. The City has been taking steps to address deficiencies within these non-motorized networks, but efforts have typically been segmented and solutions have been location-based without significant consideration of the network as a whole

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Traffic word document and assignment

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Turlock is striving to become a place where people of all ages and abilities are comfortable walking and bicycling to school, work, shopping, and for recreation. We seek to develop a seamless walking and bicycling network as part of an integrated, sustainable transportation system that supports a high quality of life and a vibrant community. The city uses the Council-Manager form of government, in which the City Council appoints the City Manager to serve as the chief administrative officer, and he or she is responsible for directing all departments in accordance with the policies established by the City Council. The City Manager is committed to providing supportive leadership that creates an environment in which the community, City Council, and all employees must work together utilizing their abilities to the fullest extent in an attempt to enhance the overall quality of life in Turlock.


I believe we were successful in this grant effort due to the collaboration of our Citizens Advisory Committee, other community ...

Solution provided by:
  • Associates of Arts , Lone Star Community College
  • Bachelor of Science , Sam Houston State University
  • Masters of Science, Kaplan University
  • Masters of Science , Kaplan University
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